Saturday, December 01, 2007

Happy December!

I'm trying to squeeze in a few posts while I have the time. It's the first of December and it is snowing.

Nothing makes snow more exciting that seeing the glee of one's children in seeing that snow. Joffre and Alec haven't seen any snow since last Christmas in Manitoba, and they are beside themselves!


Melanie said...

Yay for snow! And yay for your last day of classes, and also for Joffre's song and its provenance (so cool the way his mind works...). :)

Good luck on those papers and exams...let me know how it's going. Me, I am deep in the Madness (ahem, Magic) of Christmas, with grant application due on the side, and a play that I'm doing publicity for opening on Dec. 29... (deep breath). One day at a time, right? Right.

Yay, snow!

carpedia said...

Happy March 1st!

Milaysha said...


I just founf your blog, cuz I was searching a naan recipe...I made yours and YUMMY!!!!!

I dont know if you will be able to read this message, but I wanted to tell you that I rode all your blog and I wonder if you open a new one...

Please let me know