Tuesday, June 12, 2007


There's an old storytelling exercise where the players contribute each sentence in turn, always alternating "luckily" and "unluckily" as opening words. Like this:

Unluckily, the man fell out of the apple tree.
Luckily, he landed on a pillow.
Unluckily, the pillow was sitting on top of a picket fence.

And so on. Or, in the case of my day:

Luckily, Alec has decided to embrace toilet training.
Unluckily, he doesn't like to tell me when he needs to go.
Luckily, he has learned to take off his own diapers.
Unluckily, this means he's bare-bottomed a lot of the time.
Luckily, he can climb a stool to get to the toilet by himself.
Unluckily, he doesn't always make it in time.
Luckily, I have really helpful kids who love to get involved in the cleaning up.
Unluckily, enthusiastic preschooler help in cleaning up messy poop off a carpet tends only to make the process far messier and more complicated.

And so on . . .

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