I don't know, somehow I feel like giving a little profile, a little sketch of each of the children . . .
Joffre, age 4Has a seemingly limitless need for cuddles and affection.
Tends to be distracted almost as a default condition.
Tunes out the rest of the world at the drop of a hat.
Loves mazes, puzzles, numbers, and maps.
Can do basic addition and subtraction, and independently began exploring multiplication ("Mom, how much is three eights?")
Asks existential questions, like "Mom, are we real?"
Speaks to Alec almost exclusively in Spanish.
Alec, age 2Loves to sing, putting wild dynamics into his songs.
Scolds and lectures in babble.
Loves to draw.
Has a huge vocabulary in English and in Spanish.
Lately begins every sentence with "maybe,
Asks "why?" all the time.
Tends to bite unexpectedly.
Flirts impishly when trying to get away with murder.
Like any kids, they could probably live on waffles, cereal, and hot dogs, but unlike most kids they're game to eat almost anything. Joffre still won't eat fruit, and Alec doesn't like raw vegetables, but they are both addicted to olives, sushi, dim sum, fried onions, and every kind of sauce, dressing, or topping available.